Hydrogen exchange initiative
H2 Spot Market Simulation (H2SMS)
The study seeks to establish a robust blueprint for a hydrogen exchange in the Netherlands that enables a gradual build-up of a hydrogen exchange covering an expanding geographical market catalysing the envisioned hydrogen system development. This project will be executed by HyXchange, TNO and Berenschot. The scope of the project includes Gent (BE) and Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW, DE), as well as the broader NW-European energy system for which calculations will be performed.
The project is funded by TKI New-Gas, Gasunie, four Dutch seaport authorities and two provincies. (Intermediate) results are discussed with a selection of market parties and will be used in the next steps of the development of the Hydrogen Exchange.
Certification pilot
HyXchange is the H2 exchange initiative supporting the development of a H2 market hub around planned Dutch H2 transmission pipeline infrastructure with significance to European H2 supply and imports from outside the EU. With the pilot, HyXchange aims to further accelerate H2 trading by enabling the exchange of certificates, more specifically GOs for low carbon and renewable H2. In total 18 companies were actively participating in this pilot, supported by the ICT platform developed and operated by Vertogas, the government mandated GO issuing body.
The HyXchange initiative
This Hydrogen Exchange Initiatieve (HyXchange) explores the possibilities and prerequisites for esthablishing a hydrogen exchange. This hydrogen exchange is made possible by the anticipated role of hydrogen as an important new climate-neutral energy carrier in the
energy transition. This gives a hydrogen exchange added value: as a catalyst in the build-upphase of the market, and as a facility for better economic optimisation once the hydrogen market is mature.
HyXchange is supported by Gasunie, Port of Rotterdam, Port of Amsterdam, Groningen Seaports and North Sea Ports.
About Us
The HyXchange initative aims to realize a trading platform for hydrogen on the main Dutch hydrogen infrastructure (“the hydrogen backbone”), including the global imports there and the European countries associated with it.