New HyXchange development

National book-and-claim market green H2 certificates, and regional balancing markets for physical hydrogen:

  • Regional balancing markets will be needed in each industrial harbour region separately in the first years of the hydrogen market (2026 onward), with hydrogen grids in each region but not connected yet, awaiting construction of the hydrogen backbone.
  • Meanwhile, a national market for green H2 certificates can work based on the temporary “book-and-claim” solution for trading green H2 (including imports) without infrastructure connection, as proposed my ministry KGG for the green industrial H2 obligation resulting from EC guidelines, until the infrastructure is there.

The development has been explained in a online meeting with market parties on 17 December 2014. You can find the presentation here, see also slide below.

HyXchange has set-up a Market Design Committee with market parties from a diversity of backgrounds, to explore market set-up.